
  1. This guy is by far the best at explaining any concept that I've seen from these videos. The videos might be longer but you get hammered constantly to the point that by the time the video ends you know exactly what to do. Great job.

  2. Possibly the most useful youtube video I've ever watched. I've been trying to figure out debugging as it applies to me for years. This is the first time I think I get it, and I can now apply the fundamentals to what I was already doing in javascript and php without so many god awful print and echo statements. Thanks for this. Seriously.

  3. I should have seen this in week 1…would have hepled me from spending a LOT of time on Greedy with a small problem

  4. My debug play button is not there

  5. Wish I had watched this before. Which pset is this section video in? I'm in pset 3 but I didn't find this video. there was a different one on debugging.

  6. How to use gdb if you have command line arguments?

  7. Heads up for anyone watching this near the end of 2016 or after: Debug button doesn't exist anymore, it was replaced by debug50, which you can read about here:

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