Magix Samplitude Pro X4 – initial setup and first use (EN)

Hi !

In this video, I go deeply basic on audio interface and Samplitude settings and explain the thought process of most choices you should make.
I also explain the main settings of Samplitude and their usage.

It’s a long video but it covers a lot of important things to know about recording with samplitude..
Hope it helps a few…

seo grundlagen 2023



  1. Well done!

  2. I saw a video where you mentioned private lessons. If you still offer that, may i ask how much. My purpose isn't to become a pro and have a music career. I just want something to leave behind for family and friends when i am gone…lol
    And my mixing and mastering stinks haha.

  3. Thank you, Marco, for your Tutorials.
    Today, I purchased Samplitude Pro X4 Suite! (it was on sale…so happy!) I will, of course, review the manual to understand how this awesome DAW works.
    Please continue making tutorials on Samplitude Pro X4 Suite, I need all the help I can get!
    Keep up the great work my friend!

  4. I own Samplitude pro x3 is there any need to upgrade?,thanks

  5. You should do part 2. Thanks to this

  6. Hi Marco, a question please, for you what is the best virtual sound bank for chords ? I know Spitfire Epic but it is native if i understand. Is there another one more compatible with. Samplitude pro x ??

  7. Hi. Great tutorial. Did you just upgrade from a previous version? or was this completely new? thanks again for the video.

  8. Great tutorial. I have samplitude pro x4. But wherever I click within the VIP window, shows mouse modes option. It's not giving me access to edit the audio file. How can I solve this issue? Thanks

  9. useless

  10. thx a lot for your introduction to SAM pro X4!

  11. So amazing 😉

  12. Hi Marco, Thank you for your tutorial. I am new to the home recording experience. I recently have purchased a mike T-bone USB desktop set with Samplitude ProX4, I had assumed the audio interface sound card is optional in this case, so did not buy it. I have tried recording an acoustic guitar and voice, but the voice is not being caught loud enough rather instruments are loud and clear. Also when I try to play the output in any format, be it mp3 or wav, it does not play in any mobile phones. Can you help in this regards?? Has anybody else faced this??

    Do I need to have a audio interface to use samplitude ? is USB mike not compatible?

  13. Mon ami! Hope you are well.
    In Pro X4, is there a way to use two separate interfaces at once, but without using an Adat connection between them?
    Here’s why I ask…
    I’m running an Apogee Duet (2 in/2 out) as my main I/O, and most of the time, I don’t need any more than two channels of I-O…
    But occasionally, I like to route signal out of Samp to external HW for processing, and then send this signal back into Samp, recording the processed signal to its own track… while not impossible, this is difficult to do with the Apogee only having 2 ins/outs…
    But I also have a Presonus VSL 8 channel pre/I-O, that has 8 outputs, and it’s easier to route and work with when I’m using external HW; and while it has both ADAT and SPDIF connections…unfortunately, the Duet doesn’t, so I can’t connect the two devices in the way that most people normally would when using multiple I/O’s.
    So, is there a way I can use the Apogee for inputs, and use the Presonus for outputs at the same time for this scenario?
    Would it require setting up an ASIO4All aggregate in Samp’s audio interface settings? (I don’t even know if the Apogee supports any drivers other than its own ASIO drivers so this might not even be possible)…
    I’ve read mixed reviews using an ASIO4ALL aggregate, where some have done so without any problems, but just as many have said that this was problematic; ranging from slight latency, to serious sync-drift, and still others have said they couldn’t get the aggregate to work at all…
    Am I just begging for instability issues with this? Or even that it won’t work at all?
    If it is possible to use multiple devices in Pro X4 without using ADAT or SPDIF to connect the devices), perhaps you’d consider doing an episode on this subject at some point in the future. 😊
    I love all your Samp vids, and because I’ve always known you to be a true pro as an engineer, I trust your info as always being accurate and impeccable.
    So, if you would advise me to not set these two devices up in the way I’ve described, that’s all I need to hear.
    Stay well, and tell Quebec I said “hello”! 😉
    Take care, my friend. 🙏😊

  14. Question hope you can help. Am new to using this program. Here is my question? I've hit the record button and recorded a beat on track one.
    Then on track 2 recorded another track and time them both perfectly together, but when I played it back to hear them both. It sounded off, like a train wreck. I want the beats to be locked together like I recorded them. How do I fix this please anyone??? Thank you for your help.

  15. Nicely done. TY for the presentation of Samplitude X Pro. Even though it's now at X7, I found your startup review very helpful!

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