
  1. Vocês poderiam permitir legendas em português como no video da semana 0.

  2. You could enable subtitles in Portuguese as the week of video 0.

  3. Hahaha…. Most Indians go through it. Never double-double.

  4. I found the derivation of the Big O for mergesort to be pretty confusing from this video, so I looked into it a little bit more until I felt good about it.

    For those that are curious/interested in getting a better handle on how exactly we arrive at O(nlogn), I suggest checking out this Khan Academy analysis of merge sort:

    It is helpful to know that mergesort is indeed best considered as O(nlogn), but note that if you want to be exact, the algorithm is technically O(nlogn + n) (i.e. there are 32 steps for n=8), but we end up dropping the +n, which is not as significant a term.

  5. Nice class!

  6. I feel like that merging step requires some additional processing!?

  7. A friend of mine posted this gif showing another function that uses recursion (factorial) and I think it kinda helps you to understand how merge sort works:

  8. How would the object for a problem involving recursion be written as the compiler doesn't know how many times will a particular function will be called ?

  9. Anyone who doubledips is not a human in my point of view

  10. double dip…. its like shes forcing others to eat her saliva…. its not about her… its about others…

  11. superb lecture

    int main()
    double size;
    if(size>=size of mouth )
    break x=size/2;y=size/2;
    merge x and y

    return 0;

    that lady is just using the buble sorting , she needs to use the the merge sorting
    divide it into two half and dip the left half them dip the right half and then merge them into her mouth

  12. At the beginning of merge sort we had this list 48621753.
    Before final merge we had 24681357.
    Then, during last merge we decide wich number is smallest. But it's a selection sort and all previous merges seems to be unuseful.

  13. try to watch it at o.5 speed lol

  14. waittttt hold on :'( I want to play that game, I can't find it. does anyone have the URl to get it?

  15. Great lecture, almost non-stop

  16. The puppies are so cute 🙂❤

  17. yeah go pico yeah yeah go pico yeah

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